Pokemon Bulbasaur. Visual reference to understand the localization of Pokémon names.

Exploring The Localization of Pokémon Names!

Is it safe to say that Pokémon is probably in the top 3 for the most iconic video games ever?   Probably!   Since its release in 1996, Pokèmon has managed to capture millions, with a little help from its cute creatures. Despite being released

Global market for language localization

Language Localization: What Is It And Why Is It So Important?

Imagine you were a business owner or a video game developer looking to venture into the global market. How would you reach your customers? The first answer you’d think of would be to simply translate your content into multiple languages, and while that is not

How video games can connect players globally thanks to language localization

What exactly is video game localization?

We have often talked about video game localization and how to avoid the most common mistakes, but what exactly is video game localization?   Index   In this blog we’ll go over:  – What is video game localization  – What are the differences between translation